Data Module: Internet Scanner - Investigate Intelligence Module

Data Dictionary: Internet Scanner - Investigate Intelligence Module Entitlements

This outlines the field types associated with the IP and Query endpoint responses that are entitled based on purchasing the Internet Scanner - Investigate Intelligence Module.

Field NameField TypeExampleDescriptionQuery Sample
actorstringunknownConfirmed owner or operator of the IP address.Sample
botbooleanfalseIndicates whether the IP is associated with known bot activity.Sample
classificationstringunknownClassification of the IP address. Possible values: benign, unknown, malicious, suspicious.Sample
cvestring list["CVE-2025-12345"]Provides a list of CVEs the IP has been observed scanning or exploiting.Sample
first_seendate2021-11-23Date when the IP was first observed on the GreyNoise sensor network (YYYY-MM-DD format).Sample
ipstring1.2.3.4IP address observed on the GreyNoise sensor network.
last_seendate2021-12-31Date when the IP was most recently observed on the GreyNoise sensor network (YYYY-MM-DD format).Sample
'asn': 'AS18881',
'city': 'Brasília',
'organization': 'Acme Inc',
'category': 'isp',
'destination_countries': ['Brazil'],
'destination_country_codes': '[BR']
'mobile': True,
'tor': False,
'rdns': '',
'region': 'Federal District',
'source_country': 'Brazil',
'source_country_code': 'BR'
Additional metadata about the IP address.
metadata.asnstringAS37963ASN (Autonomous System Number) associated with the IP address.Sample
metadata.categorystringhostingCategory of the IP address such as hosting or ISP.Sample
metadata.citystringMiamiCity where the IP address is registered or operates.Sample
metadata.destination_countriesstring list['Belarus']List of countries where sensors that observed scanning traffic from this IP are located.Sample
metadata.destination_country_codesstring list['BY']List of country codes where sensors that observed scanning traffic from this IP are located.Sample
metadata.mobilebooleanTrueDefines if the IP is part of a known cellular network.Sample
metadata.organizationstringFranTech SolutionsOrganization associated with the IP address.Sample
metadata.rdnsstringmiamitor4.usrDNS (reverse DNS lookup) value for the IP address.Sample
metadata.regionstringFloridaRegion (state or province) where the IP address is registered or operates.Sample
metadata.sensor_hitsint210Number of scanning events observed.Sample
metadata.sensor_countint20Number of sensors with events observed.Sample
metadata.source_countrystringUnited StatesCountry where the IP address is registered or operates.Sample
metadata.source_country_codestringUSCountry code of the IP address based on ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.Sample
metadata.torbooleantrueIndicates whether the IP is a known Tor exit node.Sample
"scan": [
"port": 22,
"protocol": "TCP"
Observed activity from the GreyNoise sensor network.
raw_data.scanobject list[
"port": 22,
"protocol": "TCP"
Recorded port and protocol information for scanning activity observed.
raw_data.scan.portint22Recorded port for scanning activity observed.Sample
raw_data.scan.protocolstringTCPRecorded protocol for scanning activity observed.Sample
seen/noisebooleantrueIndicates if the IP was observed scanning the GreyNoise sensor network. Also referred to as 'noise'.
spoofablebooleanfalseIndicates whether the IP completed a three-way handshake with the GreyNoise sensor network. If false, the traffic may be spoofed.Sample
tagsstring list[
"Carries HTTP Referer",
"Cobalt Strike SSH Client",
"Follows HTTP Redirects"
Tags describing the observed scanning behavior of the IP address.Sample
vpnbooleanfalseIndicates if the IP is associated with a known VPN service.Sample
vpn_servicestringPIA_VPNName of the VPN service associated with the IP (if applicable).Sample