Data Module: Internet Scanner - Hunt Intelligence Module
Data Dictionary: Internet Scanner - Hunt Intelligence Module Entitlements
This outlines the field types associated with the IP and Query endpoint responses that are entitled based on purchasing the Internet Scanner - Hunt Intelligence Module.
Field Name | Field Type | Example | Description | Query Sample |
actor | string | unknown | Confirmed owner or operator of the IP address. | |
bot | boolean | false | Indicates whether the IP is associated with known bot activity. | |
classification | string | unknown | Classification of the IP address. Possible values: benign, unknown, malicious, suspicious. | |
cve | string list | ["CVE-2025-12345"] | Provides a list of CVEs the IP has been observed scanning or exploiting. | |
first_seen | date | 2021-11-23 | Date when the IP was first observed on the GreyNoise sensor network (YYYY-MM-DD format). | |
ip | string | | IP address observed on the GreyNoise sensor network. | |
last_seen | date | 2021-12-31 | Date when the IP was most recently observed on the GreyNoise sensor network (YYYY-MM-DD format). | |
metadata | object | { | Additional metadata about the IP address. | |
metadata.asn | string | AS37963 | ASN (Autonomous System Number) associated with the IP address. | |
metadata.category | string | hosting | Category of the IP address such as hosting or ISP. | | | string | Miami | City where the IP address is registered or operates. | |
metadata.destination_countries | string list | ['Belarus'] | List of countries where sensors that observed scanning traffic from this IP are located. | |
metadata.destination_country_codes | string list | ['BY'] | List of country codes where sensors that observed scanning traffic from this IP are located. | | | boolean | True | Defines if the IP is part of a known cellular network. | |
metadata.os | string | Windows XP | Operating system associated with the IP address. | |
metadata.organization | string | FranTech Solutions | Organization associated with the IP address. | |
metadata.rdns | string | | rDNS (reverse DNS lookup) value for the IP address. | |
metadata.region | string | Florida | Region (state or province) where the IP address is registered or operates. | |
metadata.sensor_hits | int | 210 | Number of scanning events observed. | |
metadata.sensor_count | int | 20 | Number of sensors with events observed. | |
metadata.source_country | string | United States | Country where the IP address is registered or operates. | |
metadata.source_country_code | string | US | Country code of the IP address based on ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. | |
metadata.tor | boolean | true | Indicates whether the IP is a known Tor exit node. | |
raw_data | object | { | Observed activity from the GreyNoise sensor network. | |
raw_data.hassh | object list | [ | Recorded hashing information for SSH activity observed. | |
raw_data.hassh.fingerprint | string | a7a87fbe86774c2e40cc4a7ea2ab1b3c | Recorded fingerprint value for SSH activity observed. | |
raw_data.hassh.port | string | 22 | Associated port for SSH activity observed. | |
raw_data.ja3 | object list | [ | Recorded hashing information for TLS activity observed. | |
raw_data.ja3.fingerprint | string | 19e29534fd49dd27d09234e639c4057e | Recorded fingerprint value for JA3 activity observed. | |
raw_data.ja3.port | int | 8443 | Associated port for TLS activity observed. | |
raw_data.scan | object list | [ | Recorded port and protocol information for scanning activity observed. | |
raw_data.scan.port | int | 22 | Recorded port for scanning activity observed. | |
raw_data.scan.protocol | string | TCP | Recorded protocol for scanning activity observed. | |
raw_data.web | object | { | Observed scanning activity pertaining to web path and user agents. | |
raw_data.web.paths | string list | [ | Observed scanning activity traversed this web path. | |
raw_data.web.useragents | string list | [ | Observed scanning activity used these user agents. | |
seen/noise | boolean | true | Indicates if the IP was observed scanning the GreyNoise sensor network. Also referred to as 'noise'. | |
spoofable | boolean | false | Indicates whether the IP completed a three-way handshake with the GreyNoise sensor network. If false, the traffic may be spoofed. | |
tags | string list | [ | Tags describing the observed scanning behavior of the IP address. | |
vpn | boolean | false | Indicates if the IP is associated with a known VPN service. | |
vpn_service | string | PIA_VPN | Name of the VPN service associated with the IP (if applicable). |
Updated 18 days ago