Data Module: Vulnerability Prioritization Intelligence Module

Data Dictionary: Vulnerability Prioritization Intelligence Module Entitlements

This outlines the field types associated with the IP endpoint responses that are entitled based on purchasing the Vulnerability Prioritization Intelligence Module.

Field NameField TypeExampleDescription
idstringCVE-2024-12345The CVE ID.
"vulnerability_name": "Acme Inc Expoilt Attempt",
"vulnerability_description": "Potentially allowing Acme Inc to exploit anvil drop on new users.",
"cve_cvss_score": 4.5,
"product": "Acme Inc",
"vendor": "Anvil Drop",
"published_to_nist_nvd": true
Basic CVE details, including CVSS score (Common Vulnerability Scoring System), associated products & vendors, and NIST CVE recognition status.
details.vulnerability_namestringAcme Inc Expoilt AttemptName of the vulnerability.
details.vulnerability_descriptionstringPotentially allowing Acme Inc to exploit anvil drop on new users."Description of the vulnerability.
details.cve_cvss_scorefloat4.5Current CVSS score (Common Vulnerability Scoring System).
details.productstringAcme IncProduct(s) associated with the CVE.
details.vendorstringAnvil DropVendor(s) associated with the CVE.
details.published_to_nist_nvdbooleantrueWhether this CVE is recognized by NIST.
"cve_published_date": "2024-05-28T19:15:10.060",
"cve_last_updated_date": "2024-05-31T16:04:09.703",
"first_known_published_date": "2024-05-27T00:00:00Z",
"cisa_kev_date_added": "2024-05-30T00:00:00Z"
Key timeline details about when the CVE was published, updated, and added to CISA (
timeline.cve_published_datedatetime2024-05-28T19:15:10.060Date when the CVE was published by NVD.
timeline.cve_last_updated_datedatetime2024-05-31T16:04:09.703Date when the CVE record was last updated.
timeline.first_known_published_datedatetime2024-05-27T00:00:00ZDate when the first exploit associated with the CVE was published.
timeline.cisa_kev_date_addeddatetime2024-05-30T00:00:00ZDate CISA ( added a KEV (Known Exploited Vulnerability) entry associated with the CVE.
"attack_vector": "NETWORK",
"exploit_found": true,
"exploitation_registered_in_kev": true,
"epss_score": 0.94504
Exploitation-related details pertaining to attack vector category, EPSS score (Exploit Prediction Scoring System), available exploits, and KEV (Known Exploited Vulnerabilities) registration.
exploitation_details.attack_vectorstringNETWORKAttack vector category.
exploitation_details.exploit_foundbooleantrueWhether any known exploits are available.
exploitation_details.exploitation_registered_in_kevbooleantrueWhether exploitation has been registered in the KEV (Known Exploited Vulnerabilities) database.
exploitation_details.epss_scorefloat0.94504EPSS score (Exploit Prediction Scoring System) associated with the exploitation.
"number_of_available_exploits": 60,
"number_of_threat_actors_exploiting_vulnerability": 1,
"number_of_botnets_exploiting_vulnerability": 0
Statistical data about exploitation, including number of exploits available, and number of threat actors and botnets exploiting the vulnerability.
exploitation_stats.number_of_available_exploitsinteger60Total number of exploits available (public + commercial).
exploitation_stats.number_of_threat_actors_exploiting_vulnerabilityinteger1Total number of known threat actors exploiting the vulnerability.
exploitation_stats.number_of_botnets_exploiting_vulnerabilityinteger0Total number of botnets exploiting the vulnerability.
"activity_seen": true,
"benign_ip_count_1d": 765,
"benign_ip_count_10d": 765,
"benign_ip_count_30d": 765,
"threat_ip_count_1d": 0,
"threat_ip_count_10d": 1,
"threat_ip_count_30d": 14
Observed IPs scanning or exploiting the vulnerability today, in the last 10 days, and the last 30 days.
exploitation_activity.activity_seenbooleantrueWhether GreyNoise has observed activity related to this CVE.
exploitation_activity.benign_ip_count_1dinteger765Total number of benign IPs GreyNoise observed scanning or exploiting this vulnerability today.
exploitation_activity.benign_ip_count_10dinteger765Total number of benign IPs GreyNoise observed scanning or exploiting this vulnerability in the last 10 days.
exploitation_activity.benign_ip_count_30dinteger765Total number of benign IPs GreyNoise observed scanning or exploiting this vulnerability in the last 30 days.
exploitation_activity.threat_ip_count_1dinteger0Total number of threat IPs GreyNoise observed scanning or exploiting this vulnerability today.
exploitation_activity.threat_ip_count_10dinteger1Total number of threat IPs GreyNoise observed scanning or exploiting this vulnerability in the last 10 days.
exploitation_activity.threat_ip_count_30dinteger14Total number of threat IPs GreyNoise observed scanning or exploiting this vulnerability in the last 30 days.