Setting up an Account

This Guide provides step-by-step instructions for creating a GreyNoise account and navigating the account settings.

Step 1: Sign Up for an Account

  1. Navigate to the GreyNoise Sign Up Page:
  2. If you wish to create an account with Google SSO, click the "Sign up with Google" button.
  3. To create an account with your email and a password, fill out the required fields in the form and click "Create Account"
  1. Type in a Workspace Name to create your personal workspace. If you've been invited to the platform by invitation, this step will be skipped, and you'll join an existing workspace.
  1. Review the Getting Started information:
  1. Validate your account via the sent email to begin using GreyNoise.

Step 2: Review Your Account Settings

  1. Once logged into the GreyNoise Visualizer at, click on your name the upper right corner navigation area to view the account options.
  1. The Account Settings page provides access to:
  • My Plan Details - gives you an overview of your current plan
  • My API Key - Shows our GreyNoise API Key
  • My Alerts - Allows you to manage your alerts
  • Account Details - Allows you to update your information or delete your account.
  1. If you make any changes, click the "Save and Update Account" button to submit those changes.

Step 3: Enterprise Trial

All new accounts can activate a free 14-day trial, which provides users full access to the GreyNoise product via the Visualizer and the API.

Step 3: Convert Your Account to a Paid Subscription

Once the Trial period for the GreyNoise account has expired, access can be re-established by purchasing a subscription to the GreyNoise service. Email [email protected] for pricing and information.