GreyNoise Query Language

GNQL (GreyNoise Query Language) is a domain-specific query language
that uses Lucene deep under the hood. GNQL aims to enable GreyNoise
Enterprise and Research users to make complex and one-off queries
against the GreyNoise dataset as new business cases arise. GNQL is
built with self-defeat and fully featured product lines in mind. If
we do our job correctly, each individual GNQL query that brings our
users and customers sufficient value will eventually be transitioned
into it's own individual offering.


  • ip - The IP address of the scanning device IP
  • classification - Whether the device has been categorized as
    unknown, benign, or malicious
  • first_seen - The date the device was first observed by GreyNoise
  • last_seen - The date the device was most recently observed
    by GreyNoise
  • actor - The benign actor the device has been associated with,
    such as Shodan, Censys, GoogleBot, etc
  • tags - A list of the tags the device has been assigned over the
    past 90 days
  • spoofable - This IP address has been opportunistically scanning the
    Internet, however has failed to complete a full TCP connection. Any
    reported activity could be spoofed.
  • vpn - This IP is associated with a VPN service. Activity, malicious
    or otherwise, should not be attributed to the VPN service provider.
  • vpn_service - The VPN service the IP is associated with
  • cve - A list of CVEs that the device has been associated with
  • bot - If the IP is known to belong to a known BOT
  • single_destination - A boolean parameter that filters source country
    IPs that have only been observed in a single destination country
  • metadata.category - Whether the device belongs to a business, isp,
    hosting, education, or mobile network
  • - The full name of the country the device is
    geographically located in (This is the same data as
    metadata.source_country. metadata.source_country is preferred)
  • metadata.country_code - The two-character country code of the
    country the device is geographically located in (This is the same data
    as metadata.source_country_code. metadata.source_country_code
    is preferred)
  • metadata.sensor_hits - The amount of unique data that has been recorded by the sensor
  • metadata.sensor_count - The number of sensors the IP Address has been observed on
  • - The city the device is geographically located in
  • metadata.region - The region the device is geographically located in
  • metadata.organization - The organization that owns the network that
    the IP address belongs to
  • metadata.rdns - The reverse DNS pointer of the IP
  • metadata.asn - The autonomous system the IP address belongs to
  • metadata.tor - Whether or not the device is a known Tor exit node
  • metadata.destination_country - The full name where the GreyNoise
    sensor is physically located
  • metadata.destination_country_code - The country code where GreyNoise
    sensor is physically located
  • metadata.source_country_code - The two-character country code of the
    country the device is geographically located in
  • metadata.source_country - The full name of the country the device is
    geographically located in
  • raw_data.scan.port - The port number(s) the devices has been
    observed scanning
  • raw_data.scan.protocol - The protocol of the port the device has
    been observed scanning
  • raw_data.web.paths - Any HTTP paths the device has been observed
    crawling the Internet for
  • raw_data.web.useragents - Any HTTP user-agents the device has been
    observed using while crawling the Internet
  • raw_data.ja3.fingerprint - The JA3 TLS/SSL fingerprint
  • raw_data.ja3.port - The corresponding TCP port for the given JA3
  • raw_data.hassh.fingerprint - The HASSH fingerprint
  • raw_data.hassh.port - The corresponding TCP port for the given HASSH


  • You can subtract facets by prefacing the query with a minus character
  • The data that this endpoint queries refreshes once per hour


  • You can find interesting hosts by using the GNQL query term
  • You can use the keyword today in the first_seen and
    last_seen parameters: last_seen:today or first_seen:today


  • last_seen:today - Returns all IPs scanning/crawling the
    Internet today
  • tags:Mirai - Returns all devices with the "Mirai" tag
  • tags:"RDP Scanner" - Returns all devices with the "RDP
    Scanner" tag
  • classification:malicious
  • Returns all compromised devices located in Belgium
  • classification:malicious metadata.rdns:*.gov* - Returns
    all compromised devices that include .gov in their reverse DNS records
  • metadata.organization:Microsoft classification:malicious
  • Returns all compromised devices that belong to Microsoft
  • (raw_data.scan.port:445 and raw_data.scan.protocol:TCP) metadata.os:Windows* - Return all devices scanning the Internet
    for port 445/TCP running Windows operating systems
  • raw_data.scan.port:554 - Returns all devices scanning the
    Internet for port 554
  • -metadata.organization:Google raw_data.web.useragents:GoogleBot
  • Returns all devices crawling the Internet with "GoogleBot" in
    their useragent from a network that does NOT belong to Google
  • tags:"Siemens PLC Scanner" -classification:benign - Returns
    all devices scanning the Internet for SCADA devices who ARE
    NOT tagged by GreyNoise as "benign"
    (Shodan/Project Sonar/Censys/Google/Bing/etc)
  • classification:benign - Returns all "good guys" scanning
    the Internet
  • raw_data.ja3.fingerprint:795bc7ce13f60d61e9ac03611dd36d90
  • Returns all devices crawling the Internet with a matching
    client JA3 TLS/SSL fingerprint
  • raw_data.hassh.fingerprint:51cba57125523ce4b9db67714a90bf6e
  • Returns all devices crawling the Internet with a matching
    client HASSH fingerprint
  • raw_data.web.paths:"/HNAP1/" -Returns all devices crawling
    the Internet for the HTTP path "/HNAP1/"
  • - Returns all devices scanning the Internet from
    the CIDR block
  • cve:CVE-2021-30461 - Returns all devices associated with the
    supplied CVE
  • source_country:Iran - Returns all results originating from Iran
  • destination_country:Ukraine single_destination:true
  • Returns all results scanning in only Ukraine

Search Usage: This endpoint consumes one Search per IP included
in the response DATA object.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!